Friday, September 2, 2011

Hunter's Highlights

It is hard to believe, but the first three weeks of school are complete and progress reports will be going out soon. By this time of the year students are getting adjusted to their new schedules, friends, and teachers. Fall is an exciting time around a high school campus and research, experience, and common sense tells us that being involved in school activities makes for a more enjoyable and productive high school experience. Students who are engaged in school typically make better grades and are much less likely to drop out of school. We are proud of our students and are always looking for ways to improve the quality of education for all of our students.

I have been in many classrooms since school has started and I have seen many good things going on. Students and teachers are working hard to make sure we have another successful school year. Our teachers are always looking for innovative teaching strategies that can reach all of our students.

Someone has said, “The only constant in life is change.” I don’t know if that is entirely true, but change is inevitable and most of the time unwelcomed. We have made an attempt to make our middle school afternoon car pick up procedure much safer for our students. Students were walking across a parking lot to get in their car and having to dodge cars leaving with our students. Obviously, this is not a safe situation so now everyone loads through the circle drive and things have been much safer. School dismisses at 3:05 and the last couple of days the car line has been clear by 3:15 so things are running very smoothly. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try and make our school as safe as possible for our students.

Ardmore High School has partnered with WSLV to carry our football games on the radio and/or live stream them on the internet. We are not sure if all games will be carried live on the radio due to FCC regulations, but the games should be streamed online. We are excited about this opportunity to give our student athletes more exposure, which they certainly deserve. Join each play with home game announcers Tony Fogg and Johnny Tribble, and away game announcers Jeff Hodges and Tony Fogg.

Football, volleyball, and cross country season are moving right along. Players and coaches are working very hard to represent Ardmore High School. We are always proud of the effort and determination shown by our student athletes. We encourage everyone to demonstrate good sportsmanship again this year as we go through the various sports seasons.

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