Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fundraising Overload

I realize we have bombarded everyone with fundraising opportunities this year. Let me assure you we don't enjoy them, but we are just trying to offset the recent losses in funding.

We are trying to find fundraisers such as Boxtops for Education, Publix card, and Deals for Schools that do not require additonal purchases. Instead, these fundraisers give the school money when people conduct their usual transactions. This creates no extra expenses for families, many of which are experiencing tough economic times as well.

We realize that everyone can't participate in every fundraiser, but if you find one that suits your buying habits and are willing to help we are very grateful. We challenged the students to bring in $1000 of box tops to earn the reward of wearing costumes on Halloween and they are $300 short of their goal. It is looking like they are going to reach their goal and we are trying to come up with something for next semester.

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